New Zealand Wars Teaching and Learning Resources

Over the past year I have given a number of talks and presentations on the New Zealand Wars to a variety of audiences. I have provided links to a few of these presentations that are available online here for anyone wanting to learn more about these defining conflicts. My books, The New Zealand Wars/Ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa and The Great War for New Zealand: Waikato 1800-2000 , are also both available to purchase as e-books during the current lock-down, either directly from publisher Bridget Williams Books or from the usual online e-book outlets. Many New Zealand libraries will also provide access to these works through the various Bridget Williams Books digital collections . Check the eLibrary section of your local library. Michael King Memorial Lecture, May 2019 The New Zealand Wars/Ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa was launched at the Auckland Writers Festival in May 2019, where I was honoured to be invited to deliver the prestigious Michael King Memorial Lecture before a very lar...