
Showing posts from 2024

The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui

The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui , to be released late in August 2024, provides a new and concise account of this defining event in Aotearoa New Zealand history. The following outline is taken from the book page on the Bridget Williams Books website.   The Waikato War is a pivotal event in the history of Aotearoa. In this accessible introduction, Vincent O’Malley explains the enduring impact of these conflicts, continuing his remarkable work on the New Zealand Wars. The book begins with the 1863 crossing of the Mangatāwhiri River by British troops. This act marked the Crown’s declaration of war against the Waikato tribes, igniting a conflict with far-reaching consequences. At its heart, the war was a clash between the Crown’s push for control and Māori insistence on self- governance, a right affirmed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The resulting conflict has shaped the nation for over a century, more influential, O’Malley argues, than even New Zealand’s involvement in

NZ Wars: Stories of Tauranga Moana

The fifth chapter of this series, presented by Mihingarangi Forbes and featuring Dr Vincent O'Malley alongside esteemed iwi historians, NZWars: Stories of Tauranga Moana recounts the events that unfolded in the Bay of Plenty and their far-reaching consequences for future generations of New Zealanders.     NZ Wars: Stories of Tauranga Moana  is centered on two key encounters: the Battle of Pukehinahina Gate Pā and the Battle of Te Ranga.   Extended interviews and extra scenes are also available, along with an accompanying podcast series .